Friday, September 24, 2010

SID 23109.27



More fallout today from that disappointing weapons test last week. The guys in the Gunnery Cell have been looking at the tapes from the mock engagement, and now they're screaming that the targeting problem was due to mech-fail with PC19, and not due to human error. They claim the tapes show clearly that the gun was slow to respond when the targets were sighted in cross-hairs, which is why PC19 was unable to hit any of the X-drones (we call them "X-drones" because the practice ships are always painted with big, red crosses on their hulls, presumably to make targeting easier). I say that the guys in Cell 19 are just pissed that Cell 18 is the one that gets to have the pizza party, and, that, anyway, you can't rule out human error just because no one in Cell 19 is technically human.

Whatever. I guess we're used to being the scapegoats. Looks like Sikes is going to have us run a full diagnostic of #19, like we don't have enough crap to do already. We're still working our way through the report from last week's audit, trying to correct all the DNCs that the helmet-heads found, plus, we just found out today that the Vizier is coming next week, so, holy gakk, you know, gotta get everything squared for that. So, yeah, just add "full plasma cannon diagnostic" to the stack.

Kind of a weird thing happened this afternoon. I was in the lounge, grabbing my afternoon coffee and bearclaw, when this dude bumps into me, nearly makes me spill my coffee. I'm all like, "Dude," but he just keeps on truckin', so, whatever. Then, later, when I'm back at my workstation, I reach into the chest pocket of my coverall for a stylus, and I find this little pamphlet. I don't know where it came from; the guy that bumped me must've stuck it there. I look at the cover: "The Good News About The Communion". Aw, crap. I quickly wad some paper around the pamphlet and walk it over to the incinerator slot, where I toss it in. Don't want to be caught with something like that, not here. And, now I'm wondering if I should report the guy who bumped me. I mean, I don't want to; he's probably just a harmless hippie or something, but what if he's Black Legion? What if he slipped me the pamphlet as a test of my loyalty?

Naw, he was probably just a hippie. Kind of smelled like patchouli, come to think of it.

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